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Statement from Dr. Sybil Francis, CFA President & CEO

Today’s Signing of H.B. 2862 Into Law by Governor Ducey Advances Learner-Centered Education
Posted on April 28, 2021 • Category: News Release
By Sybil Francis, Ph.D., President & CEO, Center for the Future of Arizona

The Center for the Future of Arizona thanks Governor Ducey for signing H.B. 2862, legislation that supports Arizona schools in providing learner-centered education to better meet the needs of every student and family. 

The enactment of H.B. 2862 builds on CFA’s decade of work with policymakers, public schools, and communities to expand learner-centered education in order to create more excellent and equitable outcomes for all Arizona students. 

This legislation complements work already underway in Arizona to support schools that want to make the shift to learner-centered education, including the Arizona Personalized Learning Network that provides support and training to school districts and charter networks committed to personalizing learning for their students. 

Through a series of conversations convened by CFA and A for Arizona it also is clear that Arizona district and charter schools need and want to preserve some of the regulatory flexibility granted during the COVID-19 pandemic to meet the needs of every student. 

Finally, we know from CFA’s recently released 2020 Gallup Arizona Survey that 84 percent of Arizona parents want schools to have the flexibility they need to tailor learning to each child. 

H.B. 2862 makes all of this possible. And thanks to the leadership of Representative Michelle Udall and Senator Paul Boyer these innovations are now in statute. 

The passage of H.B. 2862 incorporates recommendations identified in the recently released “The Future of Schooling Starts Now” Policy Brief, a collaborative report developed by CFA and A for Arizona. Learn more about the brief here.

CFA looks forward to deepening and expanding this critical work across Arizona to support the success of every child and create a stronger and brighter future for our state.


Sybil Francis
Sybil Francis, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Center for the Future of Arizona