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Newsletter Archive

The Arizona We Want

Our monthly newsletter, The Arizona We Want, covers stories, events, and updates on the many ways Arizonans are making an impact throughout the state. With connection and community in mind, we hope this newsletter will inspire you to join in the movement building a stronger and brighter future for Arizona!

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June 2024

Bring SPB to your community, the statewide primary election is on July 30, and help students find the perfect summer camp! Get caught up on what’s happening at CFA and in the community.

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May 2024

The 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda has officially launched, and much is happening in the community and at CFA!

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April 2024

We prepare for the launch of the Arizona Voters’ Agenda, request support in recognizing non-elected public officials, share how CFA is addressing critical healthcare workforce needs, and invite you to read a new feature of Dr. Sybil Francis in Frontdoors Media.

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March 2024

We spotlight the impact our teams are making right now across the state in education & civic engagement, announce the return of the highly anticipated Arizona Voters’ Agenda & request your investment in Arizona’s future this Arizona Gives Day.

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February 2024

In our February 2024 issue, we share our love for Arizona, an update to the Arizona Education Progress Meter, and upcoming opportunities for readers to join in creating The Arizona We Want.

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January 2024

In our January 2024 issue, we recap highlights from the past year, spotlight strides in personalized learning, share upcoming events, and explore the latest air quality data.

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December 2023

In this December issue, we're thrilled to introduce two remarkable additions to CFA's Board of Directors, learn about the first-ever Regional Healthcare Workforce Summit & Apprenticeship Accelerator that took place in Yuma, explore recent data on employment and quality jobs, and much more!

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November 2023

In our November newsletter, watch a recap of our 20th Anniversary Celebration, then read highlights from our past 20 years. Next, check out a recent feature of Dr. Sybil Francis. We also announce a transformative grant from Helios Education Foundation and launch updates to the Arizona Civic Health Progress Meters in partnership with the Arizona Center for Civic Leadership at The Flinn Foundation.

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October 2023

Learn how you can help shape the next 20 years as we commemorate our 20th Anniversary. We also explore housing affordability in an update to the Arizona Progress Meters, learn about adult civic engagement education efforts, and share invites to upcoming events.

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September 2023

This month's edition features an initiative providing career exploration tools for K-5 students, a thought-provoking data snapshot, a trip down memory lane for CFA's 20th Anniversary, and more.

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August 2023

Discover how Chandler High School is igniting student voices through School Participatory Budgeting while Arizona Pathways to Prosperity breaks down barriers, aligning students with promising careers.

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July 2023

Center for the Future of Arizona's July 2023 newsletter brings you insights into our most recent Arizona Progress Meter update. We also celebrate the 2023 Gabe Zimmerman Public Service Awards honorees, highlights from our recent work, and more.

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June 2023

This month’s issue features exciting staff news, highlights of important work across the state, and a new update on the Arizona Education Progress Meter.

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May 2023

This newsletter features updates on key initiatives, insightful data, and inspiring stories about efforts shaping Arizona’s future. In this issue, learn about upcoming events, the expansion of college & career pathways work across the state, and news related to advancing The Arizona We Want.

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April 2023

This month’s issue features new information on the Gabe Zimmerman Public Service Awards, an update to the Arizona Health & Well-Being Progress Meter, exciting developments for Arizona’s future, and more.

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March 2023

This month’s issue features exciting events for educators and workforce leaders, a new job opening at CFA, info on our annual Public Service Awards nominations, and more!

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February 2023

This month’s issue features the Southern Arizona Workforce Leadership Academy application deadline extension, updates on work across the state, and more!

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January 2023

This month’s issue features our open positions at CFA, an upcoming Morning Scoop event, our new Workforce Leadership Academy for Southern Arizona, and more!

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December 2022

This month’s issue features 2022 highlights in advancing the priorities of arizonans and a message from Sybil Francis, President & CEO, Center for the Future of Arizona.

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November 2022

This month’s issue features an interactive housing graph, highlights from our work over the last month, and more!

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October 2022

This month’s issue features Arizona’s 2022 midterm election information and resources, CFA hiring a new role, and more!

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September 2022

This month’s issue features voting resources, our 2023 New Arizona Fellows, highlights from our recent work, and more!

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August 2022

We are hiring a new role, welcoming a new board member, and have new Arizona Voters’ Agenda resources to share.

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July 2022

Learn about our 2022 Gabe Zimmerman Award Honorees, check out recent news coverage, and share our latest career opportunity.

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June 2022

This month’s issue features the Arizona Voters’ Agenda, CFA career opportunities, and more!

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May 2022

This month’s issue features exciting news for our School Participatory Budgeting and Arizona Pathways to Prosperity programs, the newest Flinn-Brown Fellows and more!

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April 2022

This month's issue features a recently published op-ed by our President & CEO, the outcome of the Ideas Welcome Initiative, and more.

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March 2022

This month's issue features our recently released Impact Report, exciting news for the School Participatory Budgeting program, Gabe Zimmerman Public Service Awards nominations, and more.

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February 2022

This month's issue features a note from our President & CEO, an update on the Arizona Education Progress Meter, a look at the 2022 elections, and more.

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