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Actions Advancing The Arizona We Want

Posted on March 21, 2022 • Categories: Story, The Arizona We Want in Action
By Jacey West, Marketing and Communicaitons Coordinator, Center for the Future of Arizona

Once CFA learned through our latest Gallup Arizona Survey that Arizonans overwhelmingly agree on a set of Shared Public Values and actions to drive Arizona forward, we began sharing the information widely and focusing efforts to continue to create a stronger, brighter future for all.

Since launching the Action Agenda for Arizona’s Future nearly one year ago to help the community act on the data, many meaningful advances and systematic shifts across the state have delivered on key actions Arizonans want.

As we near the one-year mark since the Action Agenda for Arizona’s Future was released, we’ve been reflecting on progress made at the state level.

Here’s a look at just a few notable, broad-reaching advances and how they support The Arizona We Want:

Arizonans strongly support improving air quality (80%) and making the transition to clean energy (74%). This investment in an equitable charging network could spur more Electric Vehicle use in Arizona.

Across rural Arizona counties, almost half (45%) say they do not have high-speed internet, and nearly one-fourth (23%) say it’s because high-speed service isn’t available in their area. This critical investment will give more homes fast internet, improve public safety, increase access to education and help more Arizonans get the care they need through telemedicine.

A majority of Arizonans (75%) want guaranteed coverage of telemedicine service by health insurance providers. New Arizona legislation will dramatically expand telemedicine, providing greater opportunities for accessible medical services for all Arizonans. This law ensures Arizonans have access to safe and reliable medical services.

When we talked to Arizona parents, 84% said it’s important to give schools the flexibility they need to tailor learning to each child. This bill, signed into law last year, allows schools to adopt non-traditional models of learning that are more tailored to the needs of individual students.

We are encouraged and motivated by every effort that delivers on The Arizona We Want, and will keep tracking progress towards creating a stronger and brighter future for our state. Help us capture more actions in the comments below! And if you’re not sure where to get started, partner with us to bring data-driven action to your community or organization.