Jorge Rivero
Jorge Rivero is currently the Project Director for Equus Workforce Solutions (a comprehensive provider of workforce development services in North America). He oversees two workforce contracts in Arizona: The Jobs Program, a Temporary Assistance for Needs Families (TANF) contract with Arizona’s Department of Economic Security and a Youth Contract with Maricopa County. Jorge has over 15 years of experience directly in workforce, in his current role focuses on strategies that help individuals and families improve their skills and experience to enter the workforce.
Jorge holds B.S in Business Administration from University of Arizona’s, Eller College of Business. He is a board member of the Pima County Workforce Investment Board. Jorge is part of Fred Acosta’s Job Corps Community Relations Council leadership team. When he is not helping the community thrive, Jorge enjoys golfing and riding his bicycle on the loop or at El Tour de Tucson.