Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) was founded twenty years ago out of a love for and desire to help our great state succeed at being a place where all Arizonans thrive and enjoy sustained prosperity, unmatched quality of life, and real opportunity. In this celebratory year, we look forward to thanking and recognizing the many individuals and organizations that have contributed to CFA’s impact over the past two decades and highlighting our ongoing commitment to advancing our mission and vision.
About Our 20th Anniversary Celebration Event
We’re capping our anniversary year with an event that will bring together community and business leaders from across the state. We will reflect on the last twenty years and look toward the future. Due to limited resources, the event is invitation-only, and registration is required to attend.
- Special Guest: Katie Hobbs, Governor of Arizona
- Dr. Sybil Francis, Chair, President & CEO, Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA)
- Dr. Amanda Burke, Executive Vice President, CFA
- Paul J. Luna, President and CEO, Helios Education Foundation, CFA Board Member
- The Honorable Ruth McGregor, Chief Justice (Ret.), Arizona Supreme Court, CFA Board Member
- Jason Catanese, Chairman and Executive Director, Camp Catanese Foundation, Math Teacher, Pueblo Del Sol Middle School, Arizona State Board of Education
- Dr. Michael Crow, President, Arizona State University
- Reetika Dhawan, CEO of Entrepreneurial College and Vice President of Workforce and Healthcare, Arizona Western College
- David Martinez III, Director of Strategic Community Partnerships, Vitalyst Health Foundation
- Dr. Matt Strom, Assistant Superintendent of Strategy and Organizational Effectiveness, Mesa Public Schools
- Gina Thompson, Superintendent (Ret.), Yuma Union High School District
- Steve Zylstra, President & CEO, Arizona Technology Council
5402 E. Lincoln Drive, Scottsdale, AZ
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Check-in & Breakfast 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Program 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Please note, due to limited resources, this event is by invitation only. If you have not received an invitation and would like to join, please contact us.
Bringing Arizonans Together to Build a Stronger and Brighter Future for our State
From the beginning, CFA has been committed to making a difference in the state we love and call home. This is what Dr. Lattie Coor and Dr. Sybil Francis set out to accomplish when they created an independent “do tank” focused on helping shape Arizona’s future success through an action-oriented agenda that reflects what matters most to Arizonans. Twenty years later, CFA remains committed to advancing a positive agenda grounded in the Shared Public Values of Arizonans, to advancing practical solutions that address Arizona’s most pressing challenges, and to expanding opportunity and equity for all Arizonans.
Throughout our history, we have listened to and championed the views of Arizonans and addressed large and complex issues of critical importance to the state's future, especially in the areas of education, workforce development, and civic engagement.
A few of the ways CFA makes a positive difference across the state:
- Identifying the Shared Public Values of Arizonans and advancing a vision of success based on what matters most to Arizonans
- Measuring Arizona’s progress in key issue areas and sharing data to mobilize decision-making and action throughout the state
- Developing and implementing strategic programs, initiatives, and partnerships that strengthen our communities and improve quality of life for all Arizonans
Support the Future of Arizona
Sponsoring CFA’s 20th Anniversary Celebration is a unique opportunity to support our work as we commemorate this important milestone. Your generosity will help us continue our longstanding commitment to meaningful research and data analysis, raising awareness and mobilizing Arizonans to action, bringing critical issues to public attention, and strengthening all of CFA’s dynamic programs and initiatives.