SPB Coordinator:
SPB Coordinators and school and district leaders allocate a budget and select SPB Sponsors. These stakeholders set process guidelines, adapt the timeline, and prepare for implementation. SPB Sponsors assemble a steering committee (a team of students and teachers) to lead the SPB process at their individual school site.
Allocate Funds
The budget will include both SPB money (funds that students decide how to spend) and money for process implementation. Here are a few guiding questions to help determine a budget:
- How much will be allocated to each school as SPB money?
- What types of projects can this money be used for (i.e., capital infrastructure, services, programs)?
- How much money do we have for implementation (i.e., food at workshops, supplies, campaigning materials, etc.)?
- Will SPB Sponsors receive a stipend? If yes, how much?
Garner Buy-in
Recruit individuals to support the SPB process throughout the school or district. In addition to the SPB Coordinator, these individuals may include:
- 1-2 SPB Sponsors on each campus to guide students through each SPB phase from start to finish
- Campus leadership (i.e. principals and office administration) to support SPB Sponsors and students throughout the implementation
- Cross-functional teachers from different grade bands and subject areas that can make it easier for SPB Sponsors to organize activities across the campus
- District leaders who make decisions on budget allocations and can help champion the continuation of the process each year
Coordinate training for SPB Sponsors on the SPB process through the CFA SPB Institute or district-led SPB trainings. Consider participating in additional CFA offerings to receive coaching and learn insights from experienced school and district partners.
Set Process Guidelines
One of the crucial first steps to designing the SPB process is determining the process guidelines. Here are a few questions to consider while designing the process:
- How many schools will participate in this year’s process?
- How can SPB Sponsors select a diverse group of students to participate on the Steering Committee?
- How many people can serve on the Steering Committee?
- Who can submit ideas?
- Who will vote to implement projects?
- How many proposals can be submitted by each campus?
- Will schools include staff, parents, and families in the process?
Adapt the Timeline
The SPB process typically takes place over the course of one academic year, with each phase lasting between 2-4 months. However, this can fluctuate depending on each designed timeline.
See below for a high-level example:
- Design the Process Phase | July – September
- Kickoff & Idea Collection Phase | September - October
- Proposal Development Phase | October – February
- Campaign, Deliberate, & Vote Phase | February - March
- Implementation & Evaluation Phase | April – June
It is important to plan for testing schedules, school and community events, and holidays when developing the SPB timeline.
Assemble Steering Committees
A steering committee is a group of students that will guide the SPB process from “Idea Collection” to “Implementation.” With the guidance of the SPB Sponsor, they will:
- Gather ideas from fellow students
- Group and prioritize ideas
- Develop project proposals
- Lead campaign efforts
- Coordinate a school-wide vote
- Support project implementation with SPB Sponsors
SPB Coordinators will help SPB Sponsors to assemble steering committees on their campus. Here are a few suggestions for recruiting a steering committee:
- Recruit steering committee members from every grade level
- Recruit a diverse group of students
- Focus on engaging students who may not be involved with other clubs or activities
For general information on the SPB process:
For materials and resources on designing the SPB process: