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Proposal Development

SPB Sponsor:

With the support of SPB Sponsors, Coordinators, and school and district leaders, students work in teams to review and sort ideas collected from their school and turn ideas into project proposals through research. School and district leaders approve projects for the final ballot.


Review Project Parameters with the Steering Committee

During the first steering committee meeting of the Proposal Development phase, SPB Sponsors share how the steering committee will turn hundreds or thousands of collected ideas into ballot-ready project proposals. Topics include reviewing ideas that have been collected, explaining the process for approving project proposals. and learning about the procurement process and the eligibility and feasibility of project proposals. In general, eligible projects must:

  • Cost no more than the allocated budget
  • Benefit the students and or the school
  • Be located on the school district property
  • Be a one-time expenditure

Support Students to Develop Project Proposals

To develop a successful project proposal, the steering committees work in teams to review and sort ideas collected from their school and turn ideas into project proposals through research, vetting, and collaboration. The steering committee might engage the broader student body to narrow down top ideas through the implementation of a primary vote. School and district leaders work with steering committees to approve projects for the final ballot. The steps to be followed when developing project proposals are:

  • Review & Sort Ideas
  • Prioritize Ideas
  • Research Top Ideas
  • Create Project Proposals
  • Submit Final Project Proposals

A detailed guide on how to support students to develop project proposals is provided at the end of this section. Your school or district will develop all proposal documents, including approved vendor lists, project proposal forms, requisition forms, etc.


Tips for Proposal Development:

  • Consider using visuals of different categories to help students more fully understand ideas during the Review & Sort Ideas step.
  • Provide younger students or those who need accommodations a list of websites that can help support their research.
  • Partner with fellow teachers to have the broader student body deliberate on the pros and cons of top ideas and assist the steering committee in narrowing projects.
  • Connect with school and district leaders often to communicate about top ideas and share information on the proposal development process.
  • Coordinate a meeting with your school and/or district leaders and steering committee to present their project proposals and receive feedback.
  • Invite district leaders to your campus for a site visit and discuss the feasibility of projects in the desired location.
  • Contact district leaders if you are unsure about approved vendors for a particular project.


Campaign, Deliberate, & Vote